Biography                                 Coaching                           Facilitation                             Creative
Kei Franklin

Kei Franklin


Kei 🔑 (she/her) is a facilitator, coach, organiser, and artist.

Central to her practice is the belief that the power dynamics present in our relationships reflect those that sustain broad systems of injustice. Any meaningful change, therefore, must involve intervention in the inter- and intra-personal realm.

As a facilitator, Kei draws upon her experiences as a performance-maker, organiser, and coach to design and deliver bespoke experiential and participatory programmes. Kei aims to equip learners with skills to deepen their self-knowledge, engage constructively with difference and conflict, and lead from a place of empathy, reflexivity, and nuance. She has worked with a wide range of learners - from secondary school students to senior civil servants, private sector experts to artists.

As a coach, Kei supports people to ‘clear the fog’ and see what is truly most important to them so that they can consistently spend their time and energy on what matters most. Kei’s coaching practice is informed by her training in both Ontological Coaching and somatic modalities like Systemic Embodied Coaching, Family Constellations and Social Presencing Theater. She supports clients to use their intellectual, emotional, intuitive and embodied knowledge as they put their own wisdom into action. She is a graduate from the Academy of Coaching Excellence and is accredited as a Professional Certified Coach by the International Coaching Federation.

Kei’s creative practice takes on various forms - from performance to music to the written word. She is developing a solo performance under the direction of Thomas Richards as an artist-in-residence with  Theatre No Theatre, and is a co-lead and editor-in-chief of Brack, a Singapore-based art collective and platform for socially-engaged art.

Kei graduated Magna Cum Laude as part of the inaugural class at Yale-NUS College and was a scholar at the Waterford Kamhlaba United World College of Southern Africa. 

Kei is embedded in and sustained by a web of kin who are usually located in Singapore, the UK, Italy, Eswatini, and various parts of the USA. All that she does emerges from processes of dialogue with friends.