Biography                                 Coaching                           Facilitation                             Creative
Kei Franklin

Kei Franklin


Are you a changemaker who is eager to discover alignment between your inner delight and the work that you’re here to do?

I support people to discover and delight in their unique contribution so that they can do what is theirs to do.

Do you have a clear vision of the life you'd love to be living and the contribution you’d love to be making? If so, are you taking active steps toward making it happen?

If not, coaching may be just the support you are looking for.

What is coaching?

As a coach, I don’t give advice nor tell you what to do. Instead, I support you to put your own wisdom into action.

Coaching is a set of tools that help you go past wherever you’re stuck so that you can transform your goals from visions into reality. Together, we’ll clear the fog and see what is truly most important to you so that you can consistently spend your time and energy on what matters most.

Schedule a Free 45-min Discovery Session

How coaching is distinct from...
  • Therapy is about healing and insight; coaching is about action.
  • Consulting prescribes expertise-based solutions; coaching empowers you to act on your own wisdom, as the expert of your own life.
  • Mentoring guides you based on a mentor’s wisdom and experiences; coaching guides you according to your own values and intentions.
  • Training follows a set curriculum toward set objectives; coaching reveals your own objectives and a path to fulfill them.

Am I the coach for you?

“Chemistry" is important to consider when working with a coach. You'll see if we “click" during our free discovery session, and this will also be a chance to confirm that our values align. I am committed to social justice and anti-oppression, and am committed to serving clients of any race, ethnicity, ability, class, religion, gender, and sexual orientation.

I’m proud to be certified by the Academy for Coaching Excellence, a rigorous training school accredited by the International Coaching Federation.

I'm always happy to share referrals to other excellent coaches in my network if that would better serve you.


I stand for a world in which everyone is supported and no one is left out, and my pricing reflects that vision. The fee for 2 sessions per month (55 minutes per session) is based on my intention to serve a diversity of economic situations and gives more value than your money is worth. With that in mind, I ask that you select a tier that is an authentic stretch but not a hardship for you.

The cost for 12 sessions over 6 months is:

☼ $200/month if it's a stretch to be investing
☼ $350/month if you're living comfortably
☼ $500/month if you're flourishing financially

I also offer a scholarship rate on an individual basis.

“Kei is an outstanding coach - she is great at asking incisive questions that steer you towards whatever solution or goal you are seeking. I often now ask myself, ‘What would Kei be asking me right now if I told her about this situation?’”

- Abhinav Natarajan

“What a privilege to have the chance to work with such a down-to-Earth & ready to listen human being!”

- Matija Stefanovic
“Kei has an incredible ability to hear you talk and talk and to work out what inspires you, what holds you back, what makes you question yourself, what makes you emotional. She can summarize any rant into such concrete thoughts that neither label you nor tell you how you’re feeling, but rather create a bridge to open doors and find the root of what is driving you [...] To have someone help you see your desires so clearly helps to move forward in life with intention and clarity.”

- Blair S.

“Since coaching with Kei, I’ve experienced an shift in my internal capacity to handle any struggle that life hands me. My mindset has changed so much. I’ve stopped overthinking and can shift my energy to taking action. I have been exposed to a set of skills that have enormously enriched my life.”

- Samir Khairzada

“I have come to know more about myself, am more aware of my thought patterns, and consistently find meaning in doing what's important to me.”

- Shabir Azizi
Kei is an outstanding coach - she is great at asking incisive questions that steer you towards whatever solution or goal you are seeking, and I often now ask myself, "What would Kei be asking me right now if I told her about this situation?"