Matter-of-Food (2019)

Matter-of-Food is a frank conversation about the state of things. Each day we are inundated with images of polluted waters, melting ice-caps, and mountains of plastic waste. But for many of us, these issues feel abstract, overwhelming, or irrelevant to our daily lives.
In Matter-of-Food, the audience is invited to commune over a candid conversation and a simple meal. As we share our own snippets and stories, we endeavour to deepen our collective understanding of how consumption patterns, transnational waste management systems, and our current climate crisis relate back to the food on our plates.
Matter-of-Food was commissioned by Ayer Ayer Project and premiered at Asia Dive Expo 2019.
Watch an excerpt of the performance here.
Collaborators: Alecia Neo, Ernest Goh
Photo & Footage credits: Jai Rafferty, Ken Koh
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